What are Digital Dental Crowns?

Digital dental crowns are an innovative solution for patients needing dental crowns without the traditional wait time. Utilizing advanced digital technology, we can design, create, and place your custom crown in a single visit. This means no temporary crowns, no multiple appointments – just a quick, convenient, and comfortable experience tailored to restore your smile efficiently.

Same-Day Dental Crowns [2]


The entire procedure can be completed in a single visit, which is perfect for those with busy schedules or who travel from surrounding areas.



Avoid the hassle of temporary crowns and multiple dental visits.



Advanced digital technology ensures a precise fit and natural appearance.

The Process of Same-Day Dental Crowns

Our same-day dental crown procedure is designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Here’s what you can expect during your visit. This procedure involved three steps:

Tooth Preparation
Our dentist will clean and shape your tooth for a perfect crown fit.
Crown Creation
We’ll create your custom crown in our office using digital scanning and 3D printing.
Crown Placement
The crown is placed and secured, restoring your tooth’s function and appearance.


Dental Crowns

Fast, Natural Same-Day Dental Crowns with Glidewell & Janz Family Dental

Experience the convenience and quality of same-day dental crowns at Janz Family Dental, which are made possible with Glidewell technology. Our advanced system allows us to design, create, and place your custom dental crown in just one visit. Using state-of-the-art digital scanning and 3D printing, we ensure a precise fit and natural appearance, quickly restoring your tooth’s function and aesthetics.

Skip the hassle of multiple appointments and temporary crowns. With Janz Family Dental, you receive top-notch care and fast, reliable results, all within a single day. Visit us to see how we can transform your smile with our cutting-edge same-day dental crowns.


Janz Family Dental Same-Day Dental Crowns