Root Canal Therapy In Edmonton

Do you want to save your decaying and infected teeth without removing or extracting them? You can consider root canal treatment, where natural teeth are restored quickly. Many people have several misconceptions about root canal treatment, but the dentists at Janz Family Dental in Edmonton want you to know it’s a standard procedure that rarely causes more discomfort than a filling. Below are the benefits of root canal treatment.


Retain original teeth

When teeth are removed, it causes a shift in the adjacent teeth, disturbing the mouth’s structure. While in the root canal system, teeth are restored, and only infected pulp is removed.


Pain–free treatment

Root canal treatment is painless compared to tooth extraction. Dentists use anesthesia to numb the tooth so you don’t suffer from pain during the treatment.



Tooth extraction and replacement requires several procedures like a denture, bridge or implant and more follow-ups than a root canal system. Also, many insurance companies cover this treatment.

What Is A Root Canal Treatment, And How Can It Help Avoid Having A Tooth Extracted?

When your tooth is damaged or cracked, bacteria can quickly enter inside it and cause infection to the pulp. The pulp is present in the centre of the tooth made of connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves. In root canal therapy, the infected pulp is removed and filled with dental material to restore the natural tooth without extraction. Good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits are the best ways to prevent such infections.

We clean out the decayed or infected portion of the tooth during a root canal, including the canals where bacteria may lodge. Following the root canal treatment, a crown is recommended on the tooth to give you normal chewing function while preventing further infection or fracture.



What Are Some Signs That A Root Canal May Be Needed?

When do I need a root canal? While some people experience no symptoms at all, many people may feel:

  • Severe tooth pain while chewing or biting
  • Extreme sensitivity to hot/cold temperatures
  • Gum swelling and tenderness or recurring pimples in the gum around the tooth
  • A change in the colour or a slight darkening of the tooth



How Is A Root Canal Performed?

Dentists at Janz Family Dental follow a 4-step procedure to treat your root canal system and restore your natural teeth. This procedure is completed in one painless procedure:

We’ll begin with a local anesthetic, freezing the area around the tooth and helping to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure.

Then, we may place a barrier called a rubber dam around the tooth to keep it from being further infected by your saliva while we perform the root canal.

Although decay may have already created an opening in your tooth, we will probably have to enlarge the opening to fully access and clean out the root canal system and the infected pulp within the tooth with our instruments.

Finally, we will place a filling to protect the function of your tooth and ideally look to place a crown for optimal long-term protection.
